Steaming and drying sawnwood

We have the latest technology for steaming and drying sawn timber.

Steaming sawn wood

Steaming of lumber implies a procedure in which the wood is exposed to saturated water vapor under a certain pressure and temperature.

By steaming wood, we achieve the following:

  • color change
  • sterilization
  • reduction of hygroscopicity and swelling
  • easier machining and bending
Drying sawn wood

Wood drying implies reducing moisture from wood with heat under controlled conditions to improve its properties.

Considering that the dimensions and properties of wood products change with the fluctuation of relative humidity, drying wood is necessary for the efficient use of wood products and their final processing. Proper cutting, gluing, and finishing of the wood is only possible once the moisture content is reduced to the appropriate amount.

The advantages of drying sawn timber are:

  • weight reduction of up to 40%
  • increased strength properties
  • increased electrical and insulating properties
  • improved working properties for processing and gluing
  • increased load capacity and dimensional stability
  • more excellent resistance to biological deterioration due to fungi and insects

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